
Friday 16 August 2013

Something old,

(This dog-eared book has been leafed through many times.)

something new, (Let's try a 'new to me' author.)

something borrowed, (The book was borrowed from DD who, in turn, had borrowed it from one of her friends.)

something blue. (There's blue on the cover and the story is set in Crete where the days are warm and the skies are blue.)

I'm far from blue, having read the book, as it is a fabulous read from start to finish.


PS I read a 'new' word - susurration and I now know what it means!
PPS Welcome to another new follower. Thank you for popping by.


  1. I completely agree with you mum, a fabulous read.I'd defy anyone not to enjoy it.

  2. We experience a lot of susurration living where we do!
    Jane x

  3. I have ordered this from the library, looking forward to a good read.
    Thanks for the introduction.
    Pam in TX,

  4. I found this book a while ago and loved it, lent it out and now after "doing the rounds" it has come home and I will read it again. Then it will go back to the charity shop from whence it came.

  5. Oooo i love a new author and ive just read two books (Honey Queen by Cathy Kelly and The Book Club by Mary Alice Monroe)in the last few days. Im hopeless, when i start i cant put it down. I enjoy books in varying locations. They give you a little taste of each country. I've never travelled but im in love with Tuscany & Ireland.

  6. I'm not familiar with this author, one to look out for.

  7. A fantastic book hope you enjoy it.


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