
Sunday 4 August 2013


I've been making smoothies with some of our homegrown fruit plus bought fruit. These blackcurrants are ready now.

I added them to cucumber, banana, grapes, satsumas and a little orange juice. Hmm! Delish.

This one had cranberry juice, blackcurrants, banana, watermelon, oats and strawberries.

I put small bowlfuls into the freezer for a while and they made an ice-creamy dessert.

I didn't use the wild strawberries from the front garden - just a little on the tiny side!

Please excuse the grotty feet - flip flop time, you know.


PS Hi to Kearnygirl - I've replied to your comment on the last post.


  1. They, the smoothies, and the feet aint bad, look scrummy, not something i have ever taken to but we now have blackberries coming in from the field around us and hmmmmm?

  2. DH bought a smoothie maker once,,,,took it out the box and used it once!

  3. I love the sound of the desert.

  4. I love blackcurrants but hate picking them and hate top/tailing them even more. I think I will be making blackcurrant jelly with mine and sharing the rest out amongst friends.

  5. Your smoothies look a LOT nicer than the juices I've been blogging about!

  6. I am salivating! I found out my husband's been feeding the strawberries in the front yard to the dog. I'm going to have to look out for them myself!

  7. Very healthy. I bet it's delicious as an ice-creamy dessert. Just been catching up with the posts I've missed whilst I was away, many congratulations to your son and his new wife, the wedding looked lovely, I hope they have many happy years together. Hope your daughter is on the mend now.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.