
Thursday 8 August 2013

Bloggy Blanket Chain update

Peg from Blondie UK's Stitching room has been in touch and has showcased her 8 bloggy squares on her post today. She's added these to the Bloggy Blanket and so a new destination is now sought. This blanket needs a wonderful, caring, crocheter or knitter to help it grow bigger. To view her squares click on the above link or look at the Bloggy Blanket Chain page. Now who would like to nurture this blanket and help bring it to maturity or shall we leave it small and just add a border to make it a lap blanket? Full size or small? It all depends on the 'creative bloggers' out there. Blondie, if we don't hear from anyone in the next fortnight get in touch and the blanket can be sent back to me to add a border and find it a new home.

Here's hoping there are a few more volunteers to keep this blanket out there. Even if you can only add one square your help would be appreciated.

Thank you to all who sent me 'get well' wishes. I'm nearly back to normal. (If I was ever normal in the first place!)


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