
Saturday 29 June 2013

Nine to Five plus One


What am I wearing? 
Jeans, black T-shirt, denim waistcoat
What am I doing?
Picking strawberries
Where am I?
Visiting friends
What's the sky like?
Blue with a few clouds
What's motivating me?
A beautiful country cottage garden full of fruit, flowers and vegetables

Roses destined for drying for confetti


What am I wearing?

Same as before
What am I doing?
Walking home from town
Where am I?
In the streets of Blackpool
What's the sky like?
Same as earlier on but more blue sky
What's motivating me?
Being with DH, calling in on DD, recalling the meal we've had, the walk we've taken, the sights we've seen

Jellyfish on the beach

Another one a different colour

The tide's coming in

A craft fair was on in the Pavilion, a beautiful little theatre, at the Winter Gardens. 

It's been the Armed Forces' Week here and St. John's Square was buzzing with planes,

bands (Band of the King's Division),

tanks and people.


What am I wearing?

Black trousers, green V neck tunic top
What am I doing?
Arriving at a friend's summer party
Where am I?
In another lovely garden full of annuals, shrubs and bushes

What's the sky like?
Cloudy with rain threatening
What's motivating me?
An enjoyable evening with good company, good food and good conversation.

I'm linking to Thrift Deluxe's blog today as her blog is called Nine to Five.


  1. Love the way you have set this post out at different times of the day x

  2. Sounds like the most amazing day. Thanks for sharing. :)
    Anne xx

  3. Glad you had a lovely day mum, it looks and sounds like the sort of day I would enjoy too.

  4. We probably saw each other yesterday Mum, we had the same afternoon out! I thought there was a lovely feel to the town yesterday. Lovely to see the Winter Gardens so busy and full of gorgeous things.

  5. Sounds like the perfect day. :)

  6. A day filled with lots of lovely things. Hope today is just as good.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.