
Wednesday 10 April 2013

A leisurely pootle

It was a pootle slowly kind of jolly for our small music group, taking in woodland scenery, pretty shops and a tasty tearoom.

The Towers is part of an old garden. This is one of the gateposts to the old house. It looks as though it was built using pebbles and stones from the beach.

Since I last walked here pathways have been installed.

These old perimeter walls are made of brick and stone.

There weren't many flowers around and the trees were empty of leaves but birdsong was everywhere.

 These birds made more of a 'honking' noise and weren't taking any visitors today at their pond.

These ducks were sunning themselves at the base of an old tree. Just look at the root system.

We did espy some 'blossom on the hedgerow'. Cue song - Sing a Song of Maytime.

Sing a song of Maytime, verse 2

Blossom on the hedgerow,
Sunshine on the hills,
Oh the merry Maytime
All my being fills.


Maytime, playtime,
God has given us Maytime,
Thank HIm for his gifts of love,
Sing a song of spring

From Tower Wood we walked through ginnels (There's a good word to discuss.) and residential avenues ...

to our destination.

Whoa! Craft shop, wool shop and fabric shop. Cue song - A Mouse Lived in a Windmill in Old Amsterdam.

We could have stayed there all afternoon.

Beautiful displays and fabric to stroke and coo over.

After all our pootling we ended up here for soup and a sandwich.

Happy pootling.



  1. Ha, we were reading each other's blogs at the same time. It looks like a lovely walk, and the perfect end to it too. The craft shop looks full to bursting with wonderful things. I've never heard of Sing a Song of Maytime. I think ginnel is a northern word, one which I've always known, but I don't think it's a word which everyone's familiar with.

  2. Thanks for the walk,, and the look around the shop,, looks friendly!

  3. I could certainly have a pootle around the windmill shops!
    Jane x

  4. There's nothing like a good old pootle! That fabric shop looks a good one, lots of loveliness.

  5. Looks like a lovely day out and my brother-in-law uses the word ginnel all the time for laneways. Fabric/wool, I'd be in heaven.

  6. What a lovely day out you had. That fabric/craft shop looks gorgeous.
    Anne xx

  7. Hi Mum
    I've not been to the towers in a long while because too many dog walkers used it and it was quite unpleasant. The local council are planning to renovate it and tidy it up.
    I live just around the corner from these shops. I love the material shop and they have sewing classes too. Unfortunatly the wool shop and craft shop further up are closing down due to the retirment of the owner of both shops and wants to be gone by Christmas. L loves Tiffins and is hoping to get a Saturday job there in a year or so.
    At week ends there used to be entertainment in the square during the summer, not any more. Once a month there's a farmers market.
    Glad you liked it, it's like a little oasis.

  8. Ah ginnels. Coming from Yorkshire originally... Up ere they are Wynds.

  9. We call it a ten foot, or a snicket. The fabric shop looks nice.

  10. Yes, I have fallen into this beautiful shop many times while staying at St Annes! Will be paying a visit in June when next we go south in our caravan. Will try the teashop too as I don't think we have been there.( Must be the only one in Lancashire that we haven't been in mind you).


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