
Tuesday 5 March 2013

Nine to Five

I was reading Thrift Deluxe's blog and really liked her 'Nine to Five' posts and she kindly said I could copy her format so here goes. I've added in an extra question about what I'm doing.


What am I wearing? Stretchy trousers, stretchy top, gloves and boots. 

What am I doing? Listening to music on my Ipod through earwarmer headphones. 

Where am I? Walking through the residential streets to the gym.

What's the sky like? Blue with fluffy white clouds.

What's motivating me? The thought of swimming, dancing, torture gym apparatus and Tai Chi.


What am I wearing? Slob around black stretchy long dress.

What am I doing? Eating dinner of yesterday's leftover pasta and chicken casserole.

Where am I? Sitting on an easy chair listening to the news on TV.

What's the sky like? Blue with fluffy white clouds.

What's motivating me? The thought of having a little sit, blogging, crocheting and reading.


What am I wearing? Slob around black stretchy long dress.

What am I doing? Finishing of my little glass of sherry, reading a magazine.

Where am I? In our garden room because it's now nice and warm with the sun still shining.

What's the sky like? Blue with fluffy white clouds.

What's motivating me? The thought of going out for a meal tonight with our music group.

This was yesterday, not today but I'm still slobbing around I'm my black stretchy long dress!

Welcome Thrift Deluxe - hope you enjoyed reading about my day.
And thank you for people who commented yesterday - I have another musical friend who is asking her German musical friend about suitable hymns.

If we can help each other as we go along!!!!


  1. I rather like the 9,2,5...mine would be terribly boring!
    Jane x
    PS Glad I'm not the only one who wears 'slob out' clothes!

    1. Hi,

      I chose 9-2-5 as the format to my first blog (which was eaten a couple of years ago!) because I'm a housewife and everyone asks me what I do all day so it's an outline of my "nine to five"!

  2. I love slob out clothes, in fact most of my wardrobe consists of these :)I also liked your sherry time too x

  3. You sound very energetic at nine o clock in the morning, I'm still trying to wake myself up at that time.


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.