
Saturday 9 February 2013

What next?

 Celeriac chips - check.

What do I do with the half celeriac I have left (apart from cutting my fingers off peeling the thing)?

Aha! Celeriac soup.

Saute onions, celery and carrots in butter (tut, tut).

Add celeriac cut up in small pieces (minus pieces of flesh and skin) plus 2 vegetable cubes and enough water to cover.

Simmer until tender then blend. Add more water until you have the consistency of soup.

Celeriac soup - hmmmm!!!!!

I'll do this one again. Now where's the knife sharpener?



  1. Mmn looks lovely.Soup is so easy to do and homemade is always so much nicer than tinned, makes you wonder why we buy it in tins.I cant resist Heinz tomato soup though!

  2. I picked up a celeriac in Lidl today but put it back again, the smell didn't appeal. It's something I've never tasted, but it seems to be in vogue at the moment, I've read three blog posts about it today.

  3. Delicious! (but not strictly vegetarian - ooops LOL)

  4. Celeriac and other veg bake is divine :-) As is soup. And mash. And chips. We like Celeriac here, can you tell :-)

  5. I really like celeriac. In soup. I am sure you can do other things with it, roast like parsnips? but definitely nice soup.

  6. I have only ever had it at restaurants. Never brought it! Might try this recipe. X

  7. I roasted it with some potatoes was very much like a parsnip but with a more subtle taste.

    It's on our menu again especially as I bought a packet of celeriac seeds!

  8. Your soup looks delish.
    I sometimes use celeriac instead of celery in cooking.


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