
Sunday 20 January 2013

Number 13

I think this charity cot blanket destined for India is another Noddy themed blanket with its red and yellow colours.

It's an avy wavy pattern!

Our Bloggy Blanket is also destined for a deserving cause and Julia from Peacock Blue has volunteered to add some more squares to it.  (See Bloggy Blanket page.) Julia, have you been in contact with Mummy Hen yet?

I'm sure that when Julia has added her square(s) she would like to pass it on to another crotchety (or knit witty) blogger. Don't be shy, why not have a go! Just leave a comment or get in touch via email.

Hi, just popped back again to add this pic of our grumpy cat! He's not as grumpy as some (look up Tard the grumpy cat). Let's hope he wakes up in a better mood.

Welcome new follower. I'll pop by your blog this evening.


PS I've just read Mummy Hen's blog post and the blanket is on its way to Julia. Yeah! See the Blanket page for a pic.


  1. Isn't that lovely. I don't know about 13 being unlucky for some, whoever receives this blanket will be very lucky indeed.

  2. I like that wavy blankie, it will make someone very warm and happy, grumpy cat is a beauty!!

  3. Was he grumpy because if the camera?! He's still beautiful.

  4. He is a grumpy looking fellow. Is he actually grumpy or does he just look like it when he's asleep?
    Judy xx

    1. He's not grumpy at all. I think he was just too relaxed.

  5. How can I join in as I have lots of cs yarn which I don't really want to use muself but want to do something with?

  6. He's lovely! Dont you think all cats look slightly grumpy though?

  7. These knit/crochet squares charity blanket is much like what our church has done with quilt squares. I've started a ladies "Tea & Crochet" group that meets once a month at my home, this would be a nice mission project for us to do. We are a bit too far away to participate in yours, I'm afraid that the postage would be too much.

    Love your kitty, he does look grumpy!

    :o) Josephine

  8. I received the blanket on Thursday and will be adding some squares to it this week. xx


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.