
Sunday 3 July 2011

The weather was good ...

... and so was the car boot. Do you want to see what I bought? I'll show you anyway.
Homes mags - 10p each
Set of 3 wire boxes which I'll use for putting little presents in at Christmas -  £1.50
The wire boxes are similar to this box I got from the junk shop for 25p.
Cone of wool - 50p, sewing bits and bobs - £1
With the sewing stuff was this little beauty.
I don't possess any silk stockings! 
I used to sew and I might sew again - 6 for £1
2 Ikea baskets one for 50p and one for 75p. The necklaces were 50p and £1.
3 long swirly skirts - 50p each. 2 of the zips are a bit sticky. It's a good job I  have some spare.

So all that lot came to £8.75 (if I've added it up right). I've definitely got a smile on my face. We also got some watering pipes for the garden (£2) and some ring binders to put our music in (£2.50 for 6).

In the afternoon I went for a long 5 mile walk on the promenade.

We finished off the afternoon with a barbeque with DH doing the cooking (burning).


  1. See - I told you, there's always more room for 'stuff' Loving those baskets and the skirts especially (and the BBQ looked yummy too) xx

  2. You did, you did. Thank you for looking out for me.

  3. Wow, what bargains! I never seem to find any!

  4. Your bit of the coast looks beautiful today! That must have been a great walk.

  5. Those ikea baskets are a great find, they are about £10 each new

  6. Good scores! Love a thrilling day hunting and gathering!

  7. Gosh you must have been ladened down with all your buys. You did really well.

  8. What great finds! Particularly like the sewing things!

  9. You got some bargains. I love the little boxes.

  10. Popped over to say hello and return the visit. Thrifting...great fun. Finding places to put it...even better. Enjoy all your goodies. Maa

  11. Great haul, I love sewing patterns although mainly for the pictures - sewing with felt is about my level! Looks like a gorgeous bit of beach - I'm always jealous of people who live by the sea.

  12. What a good lot you got there!! And that BBQ looks yummy!!


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