
Wednesday 6 July 2011

Happiness is ...

playing at decision making.

Now if I've got 9 colours (OK I've only got 8 at the moment, pretend it's 9) should I put them like this?

In blocks of the same colours?

or this?

In blocks of the 9 different colours?
or this?

All mixed up?
Can't decide - I think I'll have to wait until I've done the 9th colour.

All packed away in a really nice basket.


  1. I think blocks of the 9 different colours but it'll look good whatever way you choose!

  2. It will look lovely any way you do it but I particularly like the first one.

    I wish I could do something like that. I might get Mam to show me how to crochet. I'm a great knitter but I never learned to crochet.

  3. Anne take a look at this post from The Vintage Knitter.
    Love from Mum

  4. I too like the blocks of different colours, can't wait to see it finished.

  5. Haha we must be sitting with parallel crochet lives .... next to me at this very moment are some multi coloured squares which I decided to piece the same way as my patchwork quilts .... so I am voting for picture number one ... the grouping of colours looks perfect x

  6. Thanks for that, Mum.

    I've paid a visit and it's lovely!

  7. Those are looking great i love the second way best its different ;-)) dee x

  8. My vote is for mixed up - which probably doesn't help you any! Looks really lovely though.

  9. I like them all mixed up, but the other two ways look great too.

  10. I like the second one best. It will look great when finished. Hope you show us the finished product.

  11. They look beautiful all ways. Thought I'd return the compliment and check out your blog - fab!

  12. ummmm all mixed up. I could do with a blanket like that right now !

  13. You've mixed them up so nicely that I'm going to vote for "mixed up", though I like the second option, too.

  14. Well done!
    I think you're going to have to make 2 more sets so you can do 3 different blankets all ways!! tOO HARD TO CHOSE!

  15. Thanks for popping by and leaving a comment. I like the mixed up look best for your blanket, great colours. I like a bit of thriftiness so think I shall be abck and also have a look at some of the blogs you have on your side bar.
    Lisa x


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