
Friday 17 June 2011

I always smile when I go to the Dashboard and see a comment in red to be moderated or see a new follower to the blog. This blog was just somewhere where I could jot down things that simply give me pleasure now that I've retired. I didn't intend to show it off in public. I also like to visit other blogs where I find other people with some of my interests. I always lurked in the background of these blogs. One day I plucked up the courage to make a comment and then become a follower of a blog. This escalated (as it does) and then I got my first comment, with my first follower a little while later. I got loads of smiles today when I went to Custardino's website as she has awarded me my first blog award. Thank you - I'm chuffed to little mintballs.

The Liebster Blog is awarded to blogs with less than 100 followers. I think I've got a long way to go to reach 100. Now I'm going to pass the award along to blogs that I have been reading.

The first is the Tightwad Gazette. I follow this blog as Mrs. Tightwad's interests are very similar to mine. She also has another blog Amkitty International. This blog is wonderful if you're a knitter. Her output is amazing and the quality of her knitting is superb. I'm sure this award can go to this second blog aswell.

My third award goes to ... (This sounds like the Oscars doesn't it?) ... Isobel from The Cosy Corner. I loved reading about her visit to Cornwall.

Next one to The Vintage Knitter who enjoys (obviously!) knitting and also delights in other crafts.

Shirl from The White House enjoys the 'abundance of life on a shoe string'. I couldn't agree more - so do I.

I enjoy reading The House of Jones. I don't know how many followers follow this blog but I'd like to include her in my list. This lady lives 'in a crafty world' and also blogs about her flowers and plants.

I think I'd better stop there and thank you again Custardino - my first 'follower' and my first 'blog awarder'. 



  1. Woo Hoo, Well done Mum, and thank you for passing them along to me. I think we'll have to have a get together one of these days and go on a little Charity shop trawl, what do you think?

  2. I think I've got enough temptation working in a Charity Shop don't you? It's a pity we live far apart I'm sure we'd have a great time. Mustn't spend too much though!!!

  3. Congratulations! Well deserved, you have a lovely blog. And thank you for passing it on to me - I've only just seen this! I'm not sure how I'd tell how many followers I have, but only a handful have subscribed so it can't be many!
    Thank you so much,
    Jones x


Thank you for your comments. it's always exciting reading them.